One more reason to create a Google Profile

I once read that 72% of hiring managers said they are likely to conduct a google search in order to discover background information on a potential hire.  I think that number is pretty likely to be right for anybody looking to do business with anybody they don't already know well.  So I always suggest whether you are looking to find a new gig or new customers you will want to have a Google Personal Profile created so that people have a better chance of finding you when conducting their informal searches for information about you.

There are other good reasons to have the profile created but I stumbled upon a new one today.  If you complete your Google Profile and include your birthday information, something special happens...

Today, I pulled up my browser and saw this:

and when I clicked on the decorated Google logo, I got this:

Google throws a birthday party for ThinkHammer.

My profile page was streaming with decorated animated confetti and it included a fat free, calorie free, cupcake!  By the way, if you follow the link, you see neither the confetti nor the cupcake. I would guess it's a privacy issue.

Thanks Google! I enjoyed my private birthday party. It was an unexpected surprise.

About Phil Yanov

Phil Yanov is a Technologist, Columnist and Public Radio Commentator.

He is the founder of Tech After Five as well as the founder and President of the GSA Technology Council and the IT Leadership Council.

His personal technology column appears in Greenville Business Magazine and the Columbia Business Journal.

He co-hosts the Your Day technology shows heard on NPR radio stations across South Carolina and is a frequent contributor to technology stories appearing on radio and television.