I have received email from Barack Obama, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, half of the local candidates and a few odd friends reminding me that today is election day. I also set my Countdown Watch just in case. My favorite and most steady reminder service, however is Sandy. She is my virtual personal assistant that lives at
IWantSandy.com and responds via email, in natural language to my requests that she remember people, (web) places, and events.
So I emailed Sandy,
Remember Election Day is November 4 and this morning she sent me the reminder pictured in this post.

I've asked Sandy to remember birthdays, appointments, group meetings, and household maintenance items I need to perform on a periodic basis. She works admirably at all.
Her real power is in acting as a reminder to a group of an event they have agreed upon. She is so efficient at the task that I've had correspondents ask me if I could have my assistant assemble and edit their slides for them.
I did a radio segment about Sandy at some point in the past. I'm going to have her put it on my ToDo list to go find it and post it here (if I haven't already.)
Sandy, Remind me to Post IWantSandy radio podcast @todo
As you can see above, she will even tag things for you.