Google Moderator is a new way to facilitate question-and-answer sessions during talks, presentations and events that involve large groups of people. Anyone can submit a question and then people can vote on the questions that they'd like answered. http://moderator.appspot.comIf you end up doing something useful with this, then let me know. As a test, I jumped into the list of questions for World Leaders, specifically those for the Dalai Lama. I voted on all of the other people's questions, but couldn't think of a question to pose to the Dalai Lama myself. I might ask him why his peeps want Tibet so bad, when everything else in their life eschews attachment, but if it looked like he thought I was being insolent, even when I am not, then I might back off. That complex interplay of emotions was too tough to get typed into a single text box, so I just mumbled to myself and wandered off instead. I hope you have better luck.
A more profitable line of questions being moderated surrounded Google's Android Phone Platform. It asked "What applications would you like to see on Android?" Now that was something I could really believe in. Amazingly, someone had already suggested a GPS search game. Brilliant!