It is month's later and I still love the
GrandCentral phone service. I use my GrandCentral number as my main business number and try to get most people to call that number. The voice mail is fabulous. I can reply to voice mails via email if I choose, and when I am driving down the road, GrandCentral's voice mail acts as a central control, allowing me to return phone calls by pressing only the "2" key on my phone. When the return call completes I am back to my voice mail and can archive the message and move on to the next one. I also like being able to categorize my callers and have their calls routed to my home, cell, and VoIP phones accordingly. I upload my contacts to GrandCentral and assign them to groups, each of which has different priorities for their calls.
Today I thought about the virtues of GrandCentral as I read
Mike Arrington's plight at TechCrunch. He found himself in a position today where an idiot attorney was threatening him on the phone. If Arrington had been using GrandCentral and someone had started bugging him, he could have taken that one phone number and marked it as spam, or simply told GrandCentral to start screening all calls from numbers he hadn't marked as contacts. Either way, he would have been only to assign those calls their proper priority with a click or two.
Mike, I'd recommend you go get your GrandCentral number today. Knowing you... you're going to need it.
Previous coverage of GrandCentral is