An excerpt from the official Press Release:
CLEMSON -- The following "Your Day" radio programs from Clemson University Radio Productions are scheduled to air on South Carolina ETV Radio for the week of January 15, 2007. The program airs from noon to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Listeners can call in during a "live” show by using the toll-free phone number: 1-888-539-8859.The show airs on all of the Public Radio Stations in South Carolina, including WEPR 90.1 FM in Greenville, SC.
A live call-in hour on the Internet and related technologies. Eric Rodgers hosts Internet expert and blogger Phil Yanov, executive director of the GSA Technology Council and president of Thinkhammer Communications. Listeners can call in via the tollfree number 888-539-8859 to ask questions about using the Internet, computers, new digital devices, and related topics.
If you care to send us a question in advance, you can always use this link or one of the others on this page.
qv: Your Day