What we need is a boss key like we had in the game software of yesteryear. In the days of yore game makers knew that PC games were probably being played on computers at work. They also knew that it probably was not a good idea to be caught doing so. As a defense, they often included a single keystroke that would pause the game and make it look like you are working on a spreadsheet with some really boring numbers.
It turns out that workfriendly.net is doing nearly the same thing for web pages.
Work Friendly strips web pages of their fun, graphic, and possibly employer offending elements and makes any web page look like a MS-Word document. How boring! How clever!
Check it out...
PopSugar.com in a "normal" browser:

Woof! You'd never want that up on your screen at work, especially if you are guy.
Now lets see...
PopSugar.com made "work friendly":

Bingo! It's plain and boring, but still has all of the links and all of the text. Just what the HR department ordered in that class you said you paid attention to.
If it can make popsugar look clean just imagine what it will do for ESPN, NBC, or SI.com? Give it a whirl. Let us know how it saves you.
qv: workFRIENDLY.net
Tags: workfriendly, browser, bosskey, popsugar