We mentioned a couple of links in the show that you might find useful. One was the FTC website with games that help you learn how to spot phishing emails.
qv: www.consumer.gov/ncpw
Eric mentioned a website to find out about what internet providers may service your rural community. (www.broadbandreports.com)
We also mentioned some real help in the battle to reduce SPAM. Our caller was already using Yahoo, so we directed her to antispam.yahoo.com.
Enjoy the show, and remember we'll be back live on March 8th. Our plan (as of this writing) is to do the live call in segment the second Thursday of every month. Between those times, there will continue to be recorded tech segments that occur most other Thursdays and on some Mondays. We'll be back LIVE on March 9th.

Tags: podcast, yourday, clemson, phishing, spam, FTC