We watch a lot of Food TV around here, so we have learned the names and modus operandis of quite a few of the various hosts appearing on the network. While Alton Brown educates, Mario mystifies, and Giada De Laurentiis titillates, Rachael Ray comforts. She reminds us that even on the cheap, we can add a bit of adventure to every day of our lives. She prepares meals full of comfort foods using easily found ingredients in a kitchen that looks more like mine than Cher's. She delivers attainable adventure and that lends hope.
Few of us could hope to be as smart as Alton Brown, as exotic as Mario, or as sultry as Giada, but we certainly believe it possible that we could have as much fun as Rachael. She knows how to smile and she does it a lot. We can do that right along with her.
Rachael Ray and I are buds now (although I suspect she does not know me.) So I found today's story in the NY Times an entertaining bit of background on how she got to where she is today. It made me smile. Good for her.
qv: AOL News: Being Rachael Ray - How cool is that?
Tags: RachaelRay, FoodTV, EVOO, FoodNetwork