Farewell to the King

It just wouldn't be right if we didn't make mention of the passing of the King today. Sure, we miss him. Thank goodness he left us all of those tunes. We must not be alone in enjoying his hip swinging styling, Forbes magazine continues to rank him as their top earning dead celebrity.

Need some company in your time of sadness? Phil Arnold covers Graceland's Elvis Week activities at the ElvisBlog.


About Phil Yanov

Phil Yanov is a Technologist, Columnist and Public Radio Commentator.

He is the founder of Tech After Five as well as the founder and President of the GSA Technology Council and the IT Leadership Council.

His personal technology column appears in Greenville Business Magazine and the Columbia Business Journal.

He co-hosts the Your Day technology shows heard on NPR radio stations across South Carolina and is a frequent contributor to technology stories appearing on radio and television.