REF NO. PBL/669021-OL
LOCATOR NUMBER: 7-14-33-36-41-62
SERIAL: 7/9122/63.
The Software AG Foundation is a charitable foundation headquartered in Frankfurt. It major aim is to promote music, theatre, art, literature, projects in the social and political arena with a focus on health, as well as science, research, and higher education. Most recently the foundation set up the NEW LOTTERY SCHEEM to give out prizes based on COMPUTER BALLOT SYSTEM. By doing this the foundation seek to encourage the use of Internet for academic and business pursuits. On August 15th 2004 the programme was conducted which your email address was attached to ticket number 3685953 lucky number 81529677 along with the batch number mentioned above, please If you are the person with this email address then you are entitled to these funds $500,000.00 USD (Five hundred thousand US Dollars), we are very pleased to have finally located you.
If you are not this person please disregard this notice.
What cracks me up is that someone thinks that I would believe that there is a company dedicated to giving money away to promote the Internet.
qv: Foreign Lottery Scam