The Future We Were Promised, a collection of the rediscovered works of A. C. Radebaugh. The Lost Highways Archive have a number of prints of the futuristic work of A. C. Radebaugh on display, for sale, and best yet, for online viewing. Brought to you by the same people who imagined the Family Car on Mars, the Future We Were Promised is a delightful array of automobile advertisements for Chrysler, Desoto, and Dodge; many annual issue covers of MOTOR magazine; and dozens of other illustrations of how this commercial artist envisioned an idealized future from his vantage of the 1950s. If you like cars with fins, you are going to love this show. See it online.
About Phil Yanov
Phil Yanov is a Technologist, Columnist and Public Radio Commentator.
He is the founder of Tech After Five as well as the founder and President of the GSA Technology Council and the IT Leadership Council.
His personal technology column appears in Greenville Business Magazine and the Columbia Business Journal.
He co-hosts the Your Day technology shows heard on NPR radio stations across South Carolina and is a frequent contributor to technology stories appearing on radio and television.